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Although {some|part|number} types of {gambling|gaming entertainment|gambling}, {one of which includes|such as} {betting|betting} on {animals|animals} and {sweepstakes|lotteries}, have been authorized by the government, {gambling|casino|gambling establishment|The playing field at {casino|casino} has been declared {outside|beyond} {law|legislation} since the 1940s. {however|but}, with the rapid {development|unwinding|improvement} of {the Internet|world Wide web|Internet} and {digital|it|virtual/virtual} technologies, the popularity of {online|virtual|remote|Internet} {gambling|excitement} #file_links["C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\file\gsa+en+20kT2kSeogor491265435URLBB.txt",1,N] among Brazilians has increased dramatically in {recent years|recent times}. |